Government Grant on double-glazed doors & windows - Adore More

Government Grant on double-glazed doors & windows – claim up to €1,000!

May 4, 2020


    Please note that the funds allocation for the Roof Insulation and Double Glazing scheme allocated for 2020 are fully taken up. As such REWS will only be accepting applications till Friday 8th May 2020. For more information please go to

    Government Grant on double-glazed doors & windows – claim up to €1,000!

    The Double-Glazing scheme is administered by the Regulator for Energy and Water Services to encourage the use of systems that reduce the consumption of energy in the domestic sector.

    This scheme is funded through national funds and applies to private individuals (natural persons) for use on their residential properties, and for organisations that are not carrying out an economic activity.

    This scheme provides a grant of 50% of the eligible costs up to €1000 for double glazing apertures and 50% of the eligible cost up to €350 for newly constructed residential units that go over and above the minimum requirements.

    PVC Apertures

    PVC Apertures with double glazing – Qualifies for the Government Grant

    For further details on how the scheme operates can be found in the guidelines and application forms listed below.

    Part A of the application for the grant must be filled in by the Applicant PRIOR to the purchase of the equipment and must be accompanied by the relevant supporting documentation. Part B is the request for reimbursement and must be completed by the Applicant AFTER the equipment has been installed (including payment and certification). Online applications can be submitted here.

    Full details of this scheme can be obtained by visiting the website 

    Click here to view images of windows and doors installed by our team here at AdoreMore.